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It's the Borussia Dortmund dip all over again for Jurgen Klopp... drained Liverpool's slump has echoes of the German manager's 2015 horror season in the Bundesliga

After Liverpool fell to their sixth straight home defeat last weekend, Jurgen Klopp was asked whether this was his lowest point in management. ‘I wish to say no, but yes it is,’ he replied.

Nothing can quite compare, though, with the depths plumbed in the extraordinary season at Borussia Dortmund which carries echoes of what Liverpool are going through now.

As defender Mats Hummels so memorably put it, the 2014-15 season was when Klopp’s previously insuperable side discovered how it felt to be ‘bottom of the table with half the season gone. You realise you’re in the s***, up to your neck’.