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It's his way or the highway: Swiss lawyer and former Brighton striker Maheta Molango is the surprise new PFA chief executive as union looks to move on from 40-year Gordon Taylor era... despite being questioned in a money laundering investigation last year

In recommending Maheta Molango as the PFA's new chief executive, the union's advisory panel have undoubtedly achieved one of their key objectives, but another appears to have been overlooked.

Though the 38-year-old Swiss lawyer will be a clean break from Gordon Taylor's era and is likely to begin work by edging the 76-year-old's remaining acolytes towards the door, the new PFA man shares his predecessor's singular leadership style.

Molango's impending appointment was greeted with widespread shock yesterday, which is hardly a surprise given the former Brighton striker is an outsider with limited playing credentials who has secured a plum job at the top of a very insular industry.