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IAN LADYMAN: Muddled interpretation of tackling is making fools of us all... Solly March's brilliant challenge on Trezeguet demonstrated that timing is key

The interpretation of football's rules has become so skewed that even the clever people are getting confused.

On Saturday afternoon on BT Sport, Martin Keown was agitated that Aston Villa's late penalty against Brighton had been overturned by VAR.

'That is unbelievable,' said Keown.

Solly March's challenge on Trezeguet was initially given as a penalty before being overturned
The art is to tackle as cleanly and fairly as possible and that is what March did at Villa Park

Once a defender for Arsenal and England, Keown knew how to tackle and is now one of the game's shrewdest and most conscientious analysts.

That he should get this so wrong tells us much. Football baffles us all these days.