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'He deserved to be sacked' - Mourinho offers sardonic backing to Karanka exit

The coach took the club up to the Premier League and his departure from Middlesbrough was greeted in scathing fashion by the Manchester United

Jose Mourinho has offered sarcastic approval of Aitor Karanka's departure as Middlesbrough boss this week, claiming "he deserved to be sacked" for his success.

Karanka, who was Mourinho's assistant at Real Madrid, left his post at the Riverside Stadium by mutual consent, with his side 19th in the Premier League with 11 games to go.

Boro chairman Steve Gibson insisted that the decision was a mutual one and said the former defender would be "relieved" to be given a break after a tempestuous three and a half years at the club, in which he has clashed with senior players and members of the board on more than one occasion.