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'Forza Luca!': Sampdoria fans hang a supportive banner for club legend Gianluca Vialli outside London hospital where he is being treated, as former Chelsea boss continues second battle with cancer

A banner offering support to Gianluca Vialli has been placed outside the hospital in London where he is continuing to undergo treatment for pancreatic cancer.

The former Chelsea player and manager, 58, stepped down from coaching the Italy squad earlier this month to focus on fighting the disease, which he was re-diagnosed with last year.

Reports in Italy claimed the Vialli's condition has worsened in hospital, leading to his 87-year-old mother Maria Teresa and brother Nino travelled to the UK to visit him before returning back to Italy.

A supportive banner has left by fans outside the hospital where Gianluca Vialli is being treated
Vialli stepped down from his role with Italy to battle pancreatic cancer for the second time

A banner reading 'Forza Luca' has been placed outside the hospital where Vialli is being treated by members of the 'Sampdoria Club of England'.