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FKF Elections: Stakeholders have no confidence in Electoral Board - Nyamweya

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) presidential aspirant Sam Nyamweya has questioned the legality of the Electoral Board, stating they have no mandate to oversee the elections process.

On Thursday, August 6, the Board under the leadership of Kentice Tikolo revealed it will publish the road map and regulations that will govern the process in the country.

The administrator believes the set Board is in contempt of the Sports Disputes Tribunal (SDT) ruling on March 17 regarding the current regime whose term has already expired.

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"By its words and deeds, the FKF Electoral Board has confirmed our worst fears that it is an appendage and a hireling of Nick Mwendwa moving and acting at his behest, and has, therefore, no inherent capacity to conduct free, fair, credible and transparent FKF Elections," Nyamweya said in a signed statement obtained by Goal.