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Ex-Premier League star Richard Rufus, 47, 'conned friends and family out of £15m in pyramid scheme' to 'maintain footballer's lifestyle' after 'telling them Rio Ferdinand was an investor'

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A former Premier League star allegedly conned friends and family out of £15million by claiming footballers including Rio Ferdinand had invested in a foreign exchange trading opportunity that was really a pyramid scheme.

Ex-Charlton Athletic defender Richard Rufus, 47, allegedly lost money 'hand over fist' after promising investors returns of 60 per cent a year.

He claimed to be a successful foreign exchange trader headhunted by some of Britain's largest financial organisations, including Morgan Stanley, Coutts Bank and Barclays, Southwark Crown Court heard.

He told investors current and ex-footballers, including former England and Manchester United defender Ferdinand, 44, were already on board, a jury heard.