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Danny Simpson demands Leicester raise their game as 'teams will give 5% more to beat the champions'

Danny Simpson believes Leicester will have to adjust to opponents trying 'five per cent' harder against them due to their status as champions.

Hull produced a a fiercely spirited display to inflict defeat on Claudio Ranieri's team, leaving last season's title-winning squad 'angry' and 'hurt'.

But Simpson insisted Leicester would respond and predicted Saturday's visit to the King Power Stadium by Arsenal would provide the ideal chance.

Leicester defender Danny Simpson shields the ball from Hull's Sam Clucas on Saturday
Leicester defender Danny Simpson shields the ball from Hull's Sam Clucas on Saturday
Hull's Robert Snodgrass secures three points with a powerful strike into the botttom corner
Hull's Robert Snodgrass secures three points with a powerful strike into the botttom corner

'Teams will always give their best, but maybe they'll give that extra five per cent because people want to beat the champions,' said Simpson.