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Coronavirus UK: Jan Vertonghen calls for 'big fine' if people break coronavirus protection measures

Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen has called on stricter consequences for those in the UK who break the coronavirus protection methods.

The centre-back took to Twitter to air his views on the pandemic that has seen the Premier League suspend all its matches until at least April 30.

People are being urged to remain at home if possible and to abide by the social distancing rules, especially with people who could be vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus.

Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen has called for stricter measures to fight the coronavirus
Vertonghen wants a 'big time fine' for anyone who isn't respecting the protection measures

Vertonghen tweeted: 'Should fine big time for everyone who's not respecting the protection measures and give the money back to NHS, doctors, nurses, key workers etc.