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Brighton remove 100 abusive posts as stretched Premier League clubs wage war on growing numbers of trolls on their own digital channels and teams are forced to turn off comments on stories to avoid a pile-on

Top-flight clubs are fighting an ever-increasing battle against abusive users of their own social media channels as their digital footprints expand and online hate spreads.

Brighton has revealed that it deletes around 100 posts every week from its website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts in an effort to protect players and staff.

And the problem of monitoring the abuse at Premier League sides is growing as the number of followers threatens to outstrip staffing in stretched social media teams.

Brighton removed 100 abusive posts from its own digital channels last week
Chief executive Paul Barber says the club will not hesitate to take ation against abusers

The problem has been made worse as a minority of users go online to relieve lockdown boredom by spewing hate at others.