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WSOP Tells: Analyzing Examples of William Kassouf's Table Talk (VIDEO)

In the first part of this article, we looked at some general verbal patterns of William Kassouf, a talkative player at this year's 2016 World Series of Poker Main Event. In this follow-up, we'll look at a video of four hands and see how those general concepts played out in the real world.

Some hands

The video below has three value-bet hands where Kassouf makes several weak-hand statements and one bluff:

  • the hand where he raise-shoves on the turn with a straight flush
  • the hand where he three-bets pre-flop with
  • another hand three-betting with
  • the "nine-high like a boss" river bluff

Below the video I'll do some analysis of some of Kassouf's table talk or "speech play" in each of the hands.