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WPT GTO Trainer Hands of the Week: Facing a Tough 3-Bettor

Today you’ll be playing a common spot in a cash game where you open raise to 3 big blinds in Middle Position, the Button reraises to 9 big blinds, and you call.

On most flops, you can simply check to the preflop reraiser, since their range will generally have an equity advantage against yours.

Battle against a tough 3-bettor in this week's WPT GTO Trainer Hand of the Week

Against tough opponents, you’ll often face small c-bets with a high frequency. Be sure to check-call these small c-bets with enough of your range to deny automatic profitability. For example, you should regularly be continuing with good ace high hands that have backdoor draws when facing continuation bet sizes of around ¼ or u2153 pot.