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Paying Attention at the Tables: Learn to Sharpen Your Post-Fold Focus

Related Topics: Attention, Pot (poker)

A poker buddy recently was telling me about a mutual acquaintance of ours who also plays. This fellow was talking with my friend about the importance of paying attention at the table, even after you've folded a hand.

"People are always on their phones, being distracted," the guy said. "They miss so much."

The point, generally speaking, was a good one. I think we can all agree there is a lot worth observing that can be useful to you later on if you put down the phone and watch the action after folding a hand.

However, as this fellow went on with his point about staying focused and attentive at the tables, it became clear he was talking about something a little different than what my friend and I — and you, I hope — are thinking about when we say we should be more observant at the tables.