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Brazil Home to Online Poker "Elite" says PokerStars Ambassador Andre Akkari

The Brazilian Series of Poker (BSOP) is currently running on PokerStars, and although it may be a far cry from the boisterous rails and passionate poker fans that attend the live event, there's still something to be proud about for all Brazilians.

That's according to PokerStars Ambassador Andre Akkari, who says that the BSOP has earned its place as the biggest event in Latin America and one of the biggest in the world. And that isn't changing now it's being hosted online.

Read More: Brazilian WSOP Champion Akkari Proud of Role as Latin American Ambassador

Akkari "Super Excited" for BSOP Online

After what has been a "horrible" year, Akkari says he's super excited to be playing in the BSOP this month on PokerStars.