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‘You Gotta Run The Football’: Bill Cowher Fondly Recalls Dan Rooney’s Unsolicited Coaching Advice

Former Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Bill Cowher is often affectionately known as the three-yards-and-a-cloud-of-dust guy, so great seemingly was his commitment to running the football. But while he naturally prized the ground game, he made it clear that that message didn’t come just from him. Indeed, he was the one getting the message, from the late Dan Rooney, former Steelers owner.

“He would come in, you know, ‘You gotta run that football. Don’t forget about running the football’. I’m like, ‘I know’”, he said with a laugh and a smile of endearment, recalling his old boss while reminiscing with former quarterback Ben Roethlisberger on his Footbahlin podcast.