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Week 13 Early Games Open Thread: Keep tabs on all the early NFL action

It is hard to believe, and some might still struggle with it, but NFL football is back!

It wasn’t always certain there would be a return of America’s favorite game, but here we are, preparing for another full slate of games in Week 13. Yes, it’s Week 13 so the NFL season is now transitioning well into the 2nd half.

This isn’t the first NFL Sunday of the 2020 season, but our new commenting system remains an issue for some. While improvements have been made, and they aren’t done with those improvements, just wanted to put a message here from NFL Manager Jeanna Thomas about the system:

Here are a few features that you might want to include in game day thread articles, to help your community enjoy the game day threads more:

If you change the ‘Sort By’ option to “Oldest,” you can read all the comments in chronological order, and the comment box moves to the bottom.