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Steelers vs. Bengals, Week 12: How the Bengals defense will try and stop the Steelers offense

The Pittsburgh Steelers are gearing up for the Cincinnati Bengals in Week 12 of the 2019 regular season. Entering the game with a 5-5 record, the Steelers prepare to travel to Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati, OH for the divisional grudge match.

While this is a familiar matchup for the Steelers, there are some new faces many fans want to know more about. Sure, there are the big name players in the matchup, but what about all those other players who can make a difference?

So, I wanted to get a lowdown on what the Bengals might have in store for the Steelers by talking with Cincy Jungle’s, SB Nation’s Bengals website, writer Patrick Judis to pick his brain on the upcoming matchup.