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Steelers “Sour 16” Bracket Round 2: Huey Richardson vs. Tom Ricketts

In the first round of the Steelers “Sour 16” series, Huey Richardson’s 1991 selection propelled the Florida Gator to a landslide advancement over 1979’s Greg Hawthorne with 97% of the vote. It was pointed out in the comments by Pygge9 that Huey excelled after football with a Masters degree and survived 9/11 and safely exited the building after the first plane hit. That puts a less than stellar NFL career in perspective and proves just how much more precious life is.

Richardson’s football legacy is pitted against Pitt product and Murraysville kid, Tom Ricketts. Ricketts was the Steelers second pick of the first round in 1989 after a trade of holdout linebacker Mike Merriweather to the Vikings.