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Steelers “Sour 16” Bracket: 1985 Daryl Sims vs. 1989 Tim Worley

The second matchup of the first round of the "Sour 16" was a harder one to predict. In the end, BTSC readers cast the majority of the votes to

Here was the final tally.

Last time around, 1989’s Tom Ricketts outscored 1980’s Mark Malone 74% to 26%, with 437 votes cast. This time around, 1989 is at it again with Tim Worley facing 1985’s Darryl Sims.

1989 Tom Ricketts goes on to a second round battle with Huey Richardson next week. But first, take a look at the next round of contestants in the Steelers Sour 16" of first round fizzles.