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Steelers Podcast: Turn in your towel

Related Topics: Pittsburgh Steelers, Kyle Chrise

What Yinz Talkin’ Bout is the conversation about the Steelers social media conversation. Our hosts Kyle Chrise (@KyleChrise) & Greg Benevent (@GregBenevent) expose the hottest takes and most outrageous reactions among the Black and Gold faithful. This week Steelers Nation is jumping off the deep end with embarrassment and resentment. Remember when being called a ‘fairweather fan’ was a derogatory term? It may be time for some of yinz to leave the bandwagon and turn in your towel. Take a deep dive into the world of Steelers social media from a yinzer perspective as BTSC proudly presents a very unique show that breaks down everything “Stillers” on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and so much more.