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Steelers News: This isn’t just Joe Haden’s first rodeo in the postseason

The Pittsburgh Steelers picked up Joe Haden, and he went from worst-to-first in almost seconds. All season fans have been anxious to see Haden play in his first postseason action, but he isn’t the first non-rookie now preparing for their first trip to the postseason.

Free agent acquisitions Tyson Alualu and Vance McDonald are also in the same position as Haden, but due to Haden’s status in the league for the majority of the season, he is the one who is catching the attention of most media types.

It may be weird, but players like Stephon Tuitt, Artie Burns, Javon Hagrave, Jesse James and Sean Davis could be giving advice to Alualu, Haden and McDonald about what to expect in the biggest of postseason games — except for one.