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Ryan Clark: Steelers’ Failure To Plan For Roethlisberger’s Retirement ‘Set This Organization Back’

Since the Steelers’ disappointing, if not typical, exit from the NFL playoffs at the hands of the Buffalo Bills, there has been the usual finger-pointing and calls for accountability that accompany the start of an offseason without a championship. Calls for a change in head coach, quarterback, coordinators, etc. Everybody has their favorite whipping post and their idea of where things went wrong.

But one lone voice in the wilderness said something extremely profound and something I’m not hearing anyone else talk about. And I believe he may have revealed the root of the organization’s current struggles.

On Monday before the Steeler-Bills game, Ryan Clark, speaking on ESPN’s NFL Live, had this to say: “There were two things that happened toward the end of Ben Roethlisberger’s career.