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Random Thoghts From a Black-and-Gold Mind: Artie, Axl, Ackbar and Acid Reflux edition

The Steelers and Bengals renew the rivalry of unbridled disgust tonight in the Queen City. Likely without two starters in the secondary (Mike Mitchell and Joe Haden), the Steelers will be susceptible to the long ball. With Antonio Brown's toe possibly shelving him as well, my black-and-gold mind is swirling like noodles in Cincinnati chili.

So I pass the ravings on to you. But first I must offer up a hot pot of apologies for the heartburn I caused in last week's random thoughts article.

  • Hillary Banks
  • Mentioning Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle of Parks and Recreation and never including the incomparable Ron Swanson
  • Any cranky old man that complains at family get-togethers.