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Perspective Of An Average Steelers Fan: Greasy Neale, The One Who Slipped Away

The Pittsburgh Steelers media guide mentions Greasy Neale as a footnote on its list of All-Time Steelers Head Coaches. The footnote states that “(Walt) Kiesling was co-head coach with Greasy Neale in 1943 (Phil-Pitt). What the media guide does not mention is that Art Rooney sold the Pittsburgh Steelers to Alexis Thompson in 1941. Thompson hired Greasy Neale to be his head coach and renamed the team the Ironmen. But within months, Bert Bell, and Art Rooney as co-owners of the Philadelphia Eagles swapped cities with Thompson.

Coach Greasy Neale and his players transformed from Pittsburgh Ironmen to Philadelphia Eagles on April 3, 1941, just days after April Fools Day.