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Payton calls Bountygate a ‘sham,’ would be ‘shocked’ if Tomlin is punished

Saints head coach Sean Payton heard all about the James Harrison "envelope story," in which Harrison claims Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin handed him "an envelope" after he was fined $75,000 by the NFL for an illegal hit on Browns receiver Mohamed Massaquoi in 2010.

Problem with that story is this: It's completely illegal for coaches or teams to pay players' fines or to otherwise give them money with a wink and a nudge for any purpose.

Payton knows this scenario well, as he was suspended for the entirety of the 2012 season for his role in "Bountygate," a system the Saints had established from 2009 - 2011 which rewarded players for big hits and/or knocking opponents out of the game.