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North Hills Coach Named Steelers’ Nunn-Wooten Fellowship Recipient

North Hills assistant football coach Javé Brown has been named the Pittsburgh Steelers’ 2023 Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowship recipient. The news was announced by the National Coalition of Minority Football Coaches (NCMFC) and tweeted out Wednesday morning.

Congratulations to North Hills High School assistant varsity football coach and @ShrineBowl Fellow @jbrown328 for being selected as the @steelers Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowship recipient.#JoinTheCoalition#PreparePromoteProduce

— National Coalition of Minority Football Coaches (@NCMFC1) June 7, 2023

As the tweet notes, Brown was recently a Shrine Bowl Fellowship recipient through Optimum Scouting in 2022.