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Mike Tomlin: ‘We Pride Ourselves In Having A Versatile Pass Rush’

The Pittsburgh Steelers are, and have been, one of the best pass-rushing teams over the course of the past few years. They led the league in sacks in both 2017 and 2018, in the former also establishing a new franchise record in the process. This year, even after their bye, they are still among the top teams in sacks produced.

But they will have to move forward with one of their top players in the front seven, with Stephon Tuitt lost for the year. I think it would be fair to say that Tuitt’s having really come on over the course of the past calendar year has been the driving force behind the defense’s ability to focus on a front-four pass rush more recently, and scheming pressure less, leaving them with a wider variety of tools to employ on the back end for coverage.