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Magary: Why The Pittsburgh Steelers Suck (2023 Edition)

Fair warning. If you can’t poke a little fun at your own team, this post is not for you.

If you followed the old Deadspin website before it became a shell of itself, you might remember Drew Magary’s “Why Your Team Sucks” series. His version of an NFL preview and chance to needle the fanbases of all 32 teams. He’s continued that series for the past few years for the website Defector, where many of Deadspin’s talent migrated to. Today, he wrote about why the Pittsburgh Steelers suck.

Some highlights.

He first gave a quick recap of the team’s 2022 season, a year in which the team went from 2-6 and among the worst in football to somehow rallying to finish 9-8, nearly making the playoffs.