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Leave it to Ben Roethlisberger and the CFL to get me excited about the upcoming NFL season

Related Topics: Ben Roethlisberger

It’s been happening just about every summer since I can remember.

What’s that, you ask? I get reminded that football is just around the corner, and this reminder gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside my belly. I smile and usually spend a few weeks watching old football stuff.

This watching of old football stuff now takes place on YouTube, a streaming service that did not exist the first time I remember this phenomenon happening.

It was in 1984, and I was watching a baseball game between the Pirates and Braves down in Atlanta. I wasn’t personally in attendance at this game—I was 12 and broke—but I had my television tuned into the local CBS affiliate, KDKA, which actually had the rights to broadcast Pirates games in those days.