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League Owners’ Incentive To Protect Franchise Tag Could Hurt Le’Veon Bell In 2019

I’m not normally one to wear hats, personally speaking, as a member of the longhaired community of heavy metal fans—let alone one made out of tinfoil. But I’m sure Dave Bryan won’t mind if I borrow his tinfoil hat just a bit in order to write out this article in the aftermath of the awarding of the No-Bell Peace Prize.

So, as our fearless leader has warned us, just because Bell is officially not going to be playing football in the NFL in 2018 doesn’t mean that he is not going to be talked about. In fact, there are a few angles in which he can and will be talked about that even tie into the possibility of the Pittsburgh Steelers applying the transition tag to him next year, which I’ll get to myself in a later article.