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Keith Butler On Practicing Coverages: ‘I Don’t Know What We Can Do’ Because Of Injuries

Related Topics: Coverage data

It’s easy to talk a big game. It’s another matter entirely when it comes to playing a big game. The Pittsburgh Steelers have talked a lot all offseason about the desire to become a defense, or specifically a secondary, that was capable of being more versatile in their coverages, but this training camp has not been the smoothest experimental process in figuring out if that is in the cards this year.

But don’t take my word for it; take the coaches’ words.

Ray Fittipaldo of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette spoke to defensive coordinator Keith Butler to get an update on a variety of things, but one of the main things that they talked about was what they have been able to accomplish in terms of getting a look at different types of coverages, and it has not been easy.