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Joe Haden: ‘We Believed That We Were Gonna Make It To The Playoffs’

It’s hard to look back at the Pittsburgh Steelers’ 2019 season and see just one thing. In some ways, it was a dismal failure. In others, it was a rousing success. The rise of the defense in particular was a remarkable thing to see unfold, and offers encouragement for 2020 and beyond, with at least most of the pieces remaining in place.

While the continued emergence of the Steelers’ edge-rushing duo of T.J. Watt and Bud Dupree, who combined for 26 sacks this season, was a huge part of it, so was the fact that they were finally able to cobble together a quality pair of starting cornerbacks in veteran Joe Haden and free agent signing Steven Nelson, the two combining for six interceptions this year.