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Bill Priatko, Oldest-Living Steeler, Reflects On Franco Harris, Dick LeBeau, And Others In Expansive Q&A

Bill Priatko, the oldest-living Steelers player, turned 92 earlier this week. Even into his 90s, he was doing 155 push-ups every weekday. And we’re talking two sets.

He has scaled back to 103 push-ups, not as a concession to age but an affirmation of Psalm 103, a favorite of his and son Dan, a West Point graduate and Army Ranger.

“I’m blessed that I can still do it,” Priatko said of his push-up routine. “I’m a big believer, like my friend Dick LeBeau, says that age is only a number.”

Steelers Depot recently caught up with Priatko, who represented the 1950s when the Steelers celebrated their 75th and 80th anniversaries.