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Ben Roethlisberger on Antonio Brown's tantrum: 'It messes with all of us'

Related Topics: Ben Roethlisberger, Tantrum

Welcome to another week of the Ben Roethlisberger Radio Transcript Show. Last we left our co-host, he was attempting to explain the Steelers’ anthem-related cluster on the field in Chicago.

This week on 93.7 The Fan with Ron Cook and Andrew Fillipponi, Roethlisberger was attempting to explain the Antonio Brown-related cluster on the sideline in Baltimore. Brown had a hissy fit over Roethlisberger missing him on a third-down play.

Roethlisberger did not sound pleased.

First thing’s first: Roethlisberger’s assessment of the actual play.

“That play is designed to beat a man-concept defense.