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Things I love about Downtown Pittsburgh, No. 2: Time never stands still

There isn't a Pittsburgher alive, present or former, who doesn't have a tale to tell about the iconic Kaufmann's clock. Whether it's been a meeting place, a photo spot, or just a valued viewing unto itself, we've all got one.

Here's my favorite: That clock never stops ticking. Not literally, not figuratively.

Thanks to a Philadelphia-based developer, Dean Adler, and the Lubert-Adler company, the block-wide structure at Fifth/Forbes and Smithfield that for a century housed the massive Kaufmann's department store is now home to 311 apartments that are 99.3% occupied, a bustling Target store that opened last summer, two levels of internal parking, plus a rooftop that alternates between being an ice rink, a basketball court, and much more.