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The starting rotation is a question for the Pirates, but there are plenty of others

I’m not sure we can quantify the depth of the Pirates’ dumpster dive last season. But we can try.

They used a franchise-record 55 players, including a franchise-record 32 pitchers, and saw their win total drop by 20 from 2015. That would have been a franchise record, too, if not for the 1993 team, which posted a 21-win drop and inadvertently launched a 20-year losing streak.

So while questions abound every year in Bradenton — and every other spring training site across the majors — this year seems especially provocative. And troublesome.

One could list 25 critical inquiries, topped, of course, by this one: Who was the Pirates’ most anonymous offseason pickup — Pat Light, Joey Terdoslavich, Nefi Ogando, Dan Runzler or Josh Lindblom?