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Prospect Roundtable: Anthony Solometo vs Carlos Jimenez

The Bradenton Marauders have some pitching talent.

Anthony Solometo, the 2021 second round prep lefty who received a $2.9 million bonus, was just added to the level. We broke down his start in last week’s roundtable, and Anthony Murphy provided a further breakdown of Solometo this week.

The Pittsburgh Pirates invested heavily into high-upside prep players early in the 2021 draft, one of which was Anthony Solometo. After none of them started the year in full-season ball, Solometo was the first to get the call, making his debut this past Friday. Delivery The first thing that stands out with Solometo is the … Continue reading

I got a chance to see that debut from Solometo, which was followed by four innings of Carlos Jimenez, who I broke down this week.