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PNC Park Opening to Fans Starting April 8

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced today that the gathering restrictions that have been in place since the initial outbreak of COVID-19 in the state will be eased.

This is the part that matters to Bucs fans:

OUTDOOR EVENTS: Revised limits allow for 20% of maximum occupancy, no matter venue size.

Mask wearing, social distancing, and hand hygiene must be enforced. The 20% max occupancy is permitted ONLY if attendees/workers can keep 6 feet of physical distance between them.— Governor Tom Wolf (@GovernorTomWolf) March 1, 2021

Pirates president Travis Williams had this to say:

We would like to thank Governor Tom Wolf, County Executive Rich Fitzgerald and Mayor Bill Peduto, as well as all of our state, county and local health officials, for their leadership as we navigate through so many unknowns during this pandemic.