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Pitt, West Virginia agree to four more years of the Backyard Brawl

The excitement for the return of the Backyard Brawl to reignite Pitt' footballs rivalry with West Virginia has made the upcoming season opener for both teams on Thursday, Sept. 1 at Heinz Field a major event. The two schools had played 104 times over the years while being less than 77 miles from each other and sharing a conference in the Big East from 1991-2011. But they hadn't played each other since the Mountaineers left the Big East, and an agreement to set up a four-year series from 2022-2025 was welcomed on both sides.

But on Wednesday, both sides came together again to agree to an additional four year slate of games between the two football programs:

After a three-year break, the series will resume for another four years of games between the two programs, meaning Pitt and West Virginia will meet eight times over the next eleven seasons.