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WBS Weekly: Halloween Edition

The WBS Penguins did not have the chance to enjoy a long week of rest and practice like they did last week, as they hosted the undefeated-to-that-point Albany Devils just three nights after a strong road victory in Hershey to close out the previous week. Albany came into this game 5-0 on the season, setting the stage for an early clash of the league’s best...a prizefight worthy of WBS’s use of the Kevin Owens entrance theme to bring the Penguins onto the ice.

Expected #WBSPens Lines:
McGrath-Burton-Haggerty — Mike O'Brien (@MikeOBrienWBS) October 23, 2016

With a prime opportunity to make a statement to the rest of the AHL, the Penguins took prime advantage, outshooting the Devils 17-7 in the first period and taking a 1-0 lead through the first 20 minutes through Chad Ruhwedel’s second goal of the season (he was credited with the first WBS goal from the Hershey game in mid-week, so his goal against Albany turned into his second of the year and second in as many nights) on a double-minor PP at 18:10 of the first.