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Penguins ‘Is ‘n’ ‘At

I had nothing in particular to write about today but felt like posting something all the same. So I thought I’d scrape together a few random thoughts and toss them out there…kind of a hockey Mulligan’s Stew.

For those not nuanced in Pittsburghese, “‘is ‘n’ ‘at” translates to “this and that” in the Queen’s English.

Without further ado, the first (and perhaps last) installment.

Barclay Plager Would Be Proud

In the late 1960s and ‘70s St. Louis defenseman Barclay Plager earned a reputation as a fierce, no-nonsense competitor. Along with his equally aggressive brothers, Bob and Billy, he provided an intimidating presence on the Blues’ back line while helping to fuel his team’s early success.