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The Brooklyn Nets really make me miss Phoenix Suns playoff basketball

I am fortunate to have Sirius/XM radio in my car, and when I have to drive around, NBA Radio is usually what I have on.

On April 20, I happened to have a lot of driving time, which allowed me to listen to the Brooklyn Nets radio broadcast of their Game 4 first round loss to the Philadelphia 76ers.

From a listener’s perspective, even for a non-Nets fan, it was a blast.

The Barclay’s Center was loud and full of energy, the announcer (I have no idea his name) was often yelling at the top of his lungs, both with excitement but also to be heard over the roar of the home attendees, and the entire time I kept hearkening back to the many years in my life in which I listening to Al McCoy call Phoenix Suns playoff games, bringing back mental images and emotional memories that I hadn’t contemplated in many years.