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Suns locked in, keyed up for matchup with the Mavericks

The Suns dispatched the New Orleans Pelicans on Thursday with their trademark “killer” mentality and will try to apply the shackles to the Dallas Mavericks as Round 2 begins on Monday.

Whatever it takes, it seems, the Suns are willing to lock down an opponent at the critical moment.

After the Suns’ pivotal Game 5 victory, coach Monty Williams cited the team’s cohesiveness.

“Our game discipline was about as good as we’ve seen in the playoffs for sure,” Williams said. “I thought our guys were locked in to what we were trying to do.”

Locked in and locked down

Perhaps no statistic better illustrates the 2021-22 Suns’ personality than this one: Throughout the regular season and the playoffs to this point, Phoenix has led after the third quarter 50 times.