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So we’re all in agreement then, unsustainable: Braves 7, Phillies 2

The multifaceted and many-opinioned baseball internet came together in a rare show of unity yesterday to agree on one singular point: The Braves’ success in 2019 is entirely unsustainable. From individual fans to entire media outlets, they stepped forward in solidarity with this web site’s conclusion: As fearsome and dominant as these Braves are, there’s no way it will last.

Whether by the pivoting of good fortunes, the degradation of high level talent, the completion of the MLB schedule, or our solar system’s sun morphing into a red giant and swallowing the planet on which the Braves have so utterly dominated the NL East this year, the Braves’ run will end, and everyone of us who has ever donned a Phillies or Braves cap agreed yesterday that such a statement was unarguably accurate by repeating it en masse the entire afternoon.