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Rhys Hoskins, Dylan Cozens enter 2018 on different paths

Welcome to the summer of 2016!

Internet activists desperately warn the public of the dangers of female Ghostbusters. Justin Timberlake repeatedly informed us over the radio waves that we can’t stop the feeling. The general state of things has us as a nation turning to look at overhead monitors and grimly mutter as one, “My god... that’s Jason Bourne.”

Elsewhere in the Eastern League, Rhys Hoskins and Dylan Cozens are delivering a Phillies storyline ravenously craved by the fans watching the 71-win team at the major league level: together, they combine to bring fireworks to FirstEnergy Stadium on a nightly basis, partially because of their god-given slugging instincts, and partially because it’s sort of an easy stadium to hit a baseball out of.