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Phillies former pitching coach Rich Dubee gets a new gig

Rich Dubee, who managed the Phillies pitching staff during the franchise’s greatest era, has found a new gig.

Dubee will join the coaching staff of the Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League’s Saugerties Stallions, who are managed by none other than Charlie Manuel’s son, Collin Martin.

The Stallions announced the hiring of Dubee Monday afternoon on their social media platforms.

A little insider baseball comes with this story with my personal connection to the Stallions and PGCBL. One of my best friends from college was the Stallions’ broadcaster and I worked for the PGCBL’s Elmira Pioneers broadcast team, so I knew Dubee’s connection to the Stallions’ coaching staff was more than him just getting a job and that there’s a personal connection to Manuel built-in.