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Philadelphia Baseball Ghosts: William "Yank" Robinson

In the first entry to an offseason series on baseball players born in Philadelphia who didn't necessarily stay there, we look at a fielder with solid instincts who chose to deny himself one of the sport's small luxuries - a glove.

For many players, Philadelphia becomes merely a second home. What we aim to do is take a look at those whose squirming, shrieking forms first breached within our city limits before setting off on their grand baseball adventure somewhere else in the vast world.


William "Yank" Robinson

DOB: September 9, 1859

What was happening in Philadelphia at the time: Little did 1859 Philadelphia know, but they were enabling drunkards to wander around exotic, dangerous animals by founding the city's Zoological Society, from which would eventually spawn America's first zoo, from which would spawn overpriced beerfests attended by busloads of squawking suburbanites.