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Killing Santa: a hyper-link’d poetic recap: Braves 9, Phillies 2

An effective promotional tie-in requires taut, nylon rope,
strong enough to establish a connection, without breaking, something like:

Christmas in July! At a a baseball game!

We are addicted to beliefs of all sorts, like a that of an obese speed junkie philanthropist
visiting us all in one night, giving all of us toys, even the shitheads among us;

In the top of the 5th inning, Brian McCann came to the plate with a chance to add to the @Braves lead. Here's Joe Simpson:

— Braves Radio Network (@BravesRadioNet) July 27, 2019

and we believe we always have a chance to win,
that there’s no clock,
that comebacks are things that happen, and worst of all:
we are all kids again, playing a kid’s game.