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Connie Mack Stadium lives on, in a patch of replanted turf at Haverford College

Like prized museum pieces, items removed from Connie Mack Stadium during and after its closing on Oct. 1, 1970, continue to be proudly displayed in Philadelphia-area dens and basements.

For all their emotional value, however, those bases, bricks, lockers, and wooden seats are inert relics, lifeless artifacts stripped from a carcass.

But nearly a half-century later, there remains one living, enduring remnant of the former North Philadelphia ballpark - some outfield grass replanted and thriving on Haverford College's leafy 216-acre campus.

The story of how Chuck Durante, now a Wilmington attorney, salvaged, planted, and nurtured this piece of sacred sod is a testament both to the chaos surrounding the stadium's final night and to the deep-rooted passion of Philadelphia fans.