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3 takeaways from Bryce Harper’s first half as a Phillie

If Bryce Harper plays out his full 13-year/$330 million deal with the Philadelphia Phillies, he’ll play 26 halves of baseball in red pinstripes. The six-time All-Star – who, notably, isn’t a seven-time All-Star now – just completed the first of those 26 halves.

Mixed bag, at least by the extremely high standards that Harper has played at in his career, is a fair way to describe his first three-and-a-half months with the Phillies. Here are three thoughts on Harper’s season thus far, and what he needs to do moving forward.

The Phillies need more home runs

When Harper hit three home runs in his first four games as a Phillie, he perhaps set an unreachable bar for how he was going to perform the rest of the 2019 season.